Work under pressure
In most of résumés you will find at least once the words “stress management”.
But what does exactly mean to work under pressure on a Private Jets?
Undoubtedly, the customers have probably one of the biggest impact. Their mood, how they feel, what type of atmosphere will be on board the is mainly driven by them. The crew, and in particular the flight attendant have the chance to follow the stream of their mood, and eventually to push it into another way to help the performance to go towards a nicer outcome. And this sometimes create pressure.
Secondly, it depends on the crew you are with. If you are on single flight attendant operations (solo flights), obviously your stress level will be much higher than in bigger teams.
In addition to this, the personality of the other crew members has an impact: what type of influence do they have on you? Are they nervous, agitated, preoccupied, experienced, unexperienced?
Also the professionals who are working with you and around you have their repercussions. Operation, who are struggling to get flight permits or other documents, FBO, who can’t manage to get the fuel track on time, catering who is late.
Plus, then the usual aviation issues such as weather, de-icing, slot, and ultimately, Covid 19 restrictions.
Your flight is our mission
This is one of the reason why we recalled a flight as mission!
Pressure have different shapes and everybody deal with that in an independent way.
If you are alone in the cabin, the pressure you undergo is huge. Be ready on time for boarding, don’t skip any step of your service, catch the mood of your customer and act accordingly, don’t let them wait their drinks or food.
If you are on a BBJ or ACJ, with at least another crew member with you is a great relief.
But still, I strongly believe that flying alone is one of the nicest experience ever, that can let you evolve as person and professional like no others.
When in the cockpit, Captain has the final responsibility but together with the first officer he/she can share the pressure of on time departure, assure safety and security, manage ground services properly, coordinate with operations, the customers and the rest of the crew.
In conclusion, manage the pressure is not always easy!
Breathe, keep your emotions under control, don’t panic, speak slowly and with a low tone of voice. Be creative and use common sense.
Do everything at your best, and if something still goes wrong…. It wasn’t meant to be for that day.