The art of conversation

In the Business Aviation each VIP Pilot and Flight Attendant create their own professional profile.
You build it over the years and the experience, and this is another aspect that probably explains why the corporate world is not for everyone.
The unicity of every individual
This is what is promoted in this industry.
At the contrary of the commercial aviation, where pilot and cabin crew are like soldiers, all looking the same, all doing the same actions at the same time in the same way.
When you work on Private Jets, you realise that this job is probably one of the places where you can express yourself.
In some organisations more than in others of course, but you have definitely more freedom on a Private Jet rather than an airline.
You build your profile
This is called “Personal Branding Confidence”, and is what defines your style and your way to approach this job.
No-one can copy your style because is unique.
Other people might have a similar style, but it will be different in one or more details.
Each one of us has the opportunity to develop some specific talents.
I recently came to the conclusion that I want to improve my art of conversation.
To be more specific, I am learning how to be a more elegant conversationalist with all types of audience.
To use the correct words, to be able to describe my point of view thoughtfully and with manners, in all the languages that I am familiar with.
When I chit-chat with my customers, when I train new people, while I do networking or when I write job-related emails.
I find that the art of conversation is a very powerful tool that can often solve you problems.
Refining the speaking skills can take you miles away, and, sometimes, a few words makes a huge difference.
Rephrase it!
I try to observe and absorb as many inputs as possible from others, and a fellow colleague from London is a great source of inspiration for me.
A few days ago I was wondering on how a simple question put down with different words will change completely the perception.
In a context of people meeting for the first time you can hear this question “How can I help you?” .
Nothing wrong with that, but there are other ways to ask the same question that would make a more open and welcoming impression.
What if you change the verbs and ask “How may I assist you?”
Don’t you think this sounds more smooth and elegant? Less aggressive and invadent?
The question is the same, is just the approach that is different.
I would like to mention another example, that happened to me while I was flying with the airline.
At the end of the meal service the cabin crew asked me “Are you done with your meal?”
I immediately noticed how unfriendly and disgraceful this question sounds.
I committed to myself to avoid that and when I am on board a Private Jet I ask “May I clear your table?” instead.
And you? What type of conversationalist have you decide you will be?