How to write your CV: guidelines for a great first impression!

Writing a CV is everything except easy, we all agree. When it comes to ourselves, we are usually too sever in judgement and we are afraid we can’t express clearly enough how much is our value. Often, we also don’t know what to write.
On the other hand, recruiters have a really hard job in scanning CVs. It’s a time consuming activity and your get tired eyes easily.
Every country has a sort of fashion trends when it comes to CV layout, for example Austrians like to list the family member’s name and profession, In England they put little personal information, Italians use that “Europass CV format”, which is obsolete nowadays.
But there isn’t a real guideline that help recruiters to go trough the document efficiently and still there are some resumé that needs a lot of interpretation.
More and more, recruiters do use a software that recognise words and work on a “word-matching concept”: the company sets a list of “key words” that must appear on your CV. When the system recognise them, your profile is marked in green. Means that very likely you have all the skills required for the position. If the software finds just few, your profile is marked in yellow, and if you have only one or none your are marked in red. This concept was born with the intention to support the Hiring Team by saving time and focus first on profiles where candidates have the higher chances to fulfil the requirements.
Being aware of this practice should change your attitude.
The choice of the words used to describe yourself is really really important: the applicant should focus on what he or she has achieved, using only positive verbs with a strong meaning.
Too common words such as “responsible of, experienced in, managed, perform, worked as” may work against you because too used.
CV for aviation position must be written always and only in English.
A complete application for aviation positions must include cover letter, and CV with a portrait picture. If it’s a flight attendant position, also a full length picture in business attire.
The applicant guides the recruiters in the action of reading the CV: be mindful in choosing the order of your sections by giving the right priority.
Dedicate time to your profile summary: this is extremely helpful to have an idea about the personality of the candidate.
Layout of the page is of candidate’s choice, as long as it’s simple to read, and not overcrowded.
CV must be send via email only and, as a recruiter, I am a strong supporter of the power of direct emails, where the recipient is identified by name and surname. To start an email with “To whom it many concern, dear HR Manager, Dear Sir/Madam” is too impersonal and doesn’t show commitment nor dedication.
Spontaneous applications are also a powerful tool: I have found the best diamonds of the Business Aviation thanks to those emails!