How to stay healthy and fit to fly

When you fly, you become aware of the necessity to take care of your body in order to be able to perform at maximum.
When flying on Private Jets, the concept remains the same.
Eat well, sleep enough amount of hours, drink plenty of water, do a minimum of exercise.
Easier to write than to do!
Remaining fit and ready for your mission has also the effect that you will stay strong enough to cope with any situation (normal or emergency).
Your concentration and reflexes will be prompt and effective to manage all circumstances on board.
But how can you do that in a busy summer, busy cabins, four sectors day?
What can you do on board a Private Jet to stay heathy?
Try not to skip any meal. Even a little bite, but grab something to eat (not only canapè and macaroons) on a regular timings, as regular as possible.
Additionally, drink plenty of water but manage you timing if you are on a single-lavatory Private Jet. Make sure you are not in need of the toilet while your customer’s are sleeping!
During a night flight drink water with fresh ginger and lemon, chamomile or herbs infusion.
Try to avoid caffeine or theine at the time of the day where you should be sleeping.
To fight against the sleep, the brain needs hydration. Keep the coffee for the rush hours before landing, though!
Take advantage of any chance you have to eat or visit the toilet because you don’t know when will be your next chance. On ground, while at the terminal, during quick lavatory set-up during flight.
Try to manage your sleep during the layovers according to the time zone you are or the time zone you will be tomorrow. The best way to do that is by managing your tasks during flight as much as possible.
List the emails you need to send to maintenance, operations, flight attendant manager, catering, aircraft shopping list, FBO, customer’s profile, feedback flight and so forth.
Prepare them in advance, while customers are chilling out for example, or during a night flight when the cabin is sleeping.
Get advantage of a quiet time to organise your next steps as much as possible. Once at the hotel, you just have to send them.
Try to always get some “me-time” on a daily basis for a walk, a run, a swim or some yoga. This will help you to relax and disconnect the brain for some time.
The golden rule.
Last but not least, to stay healthy in this job, remember that problems or complains that may occur are not agains you as a person!
Keep yourself detached from them, but yet treat them in a professional and efficient way.
What’s your techniques to deal with lack of time, hunger or thirst?
How do you manage your health when working on Private Jets?