FAQ: how will be my first flight?

When a VIP flight attendant is about to have her/his first flight, they try very badly to picture how this would be.
They ask me to describe moment by moment, step by step the entire event.
Unfortunately, despite how consciously I chose my words, this is not possible.
Because the human being are designed with the huge limit of not being able to understand something that they haven’t tried themselves.
What to expect? Expect something you haven’t seen before.
Business Aviation is very different from commercial.
To describe it in words is not enough, you have to try it.
The atmosphere of a VIP terminal, the sensation of entering a Private Jet, the scent in the cabin, the touch of the seats, the uniform you wear…. Everything is different!
It’s your flight, it’s your jet.
Often people can’t really catch the meaning of these words, but it’s really like this.
The VIP flight attendant is in power of the entire flight and he/she can decide everything about any detail of any aspect: from service to jet styling.
From catering to food plating.
Certainly, you have guidelines (sometimes more detailed, sometimes less), but the outcome is still the same.
It’s just about what YOU think is the best.
And this “lack of rules and regulation” when it comes to the commercial aspect of this job is, in fact, the most powerful aspect of the Business aviation
Flying alone? It can be scary.
The first time you do, it can be scary because you don’t know what you expect and you know the expectations of your customers will be very high.
Therefore there is a strange but natural mechanism that starts in your brain.
Probably you feel you are not enough, that you don’t know how to do it, that maybe you are not experienced enough to do what being asked.
Now, read carefully.
Ignore it.
You are capable, you are trained, you know how to fly and to deal with a cabin.
You did it all before.
For those who worked with me, you know how much I love this job.
Yet, I am aware that this is not rocket science!
Have you ever organised a dinner with friends at your place?
Didn’t you do a menu planning in advance?
Didn’t you go to the supermarket to buy the items you needed?
You are the director now!
If you think you need white flowers, it’s correct.
Do you think you need pink flowers instead? This is also correct.
If you think you need a four course meal, that’s perfect.
Do you think a snack or afternoon tea is more appropriated? Go for it!
Again: it’s your flight, it’s your cabin, they are your customers.
Dare to push yourself out of the comfort zone, where you were told what to do at every single moment.
Now it’s all about you.
Have clear in your mind what’s the mission of your Company and use your experience and common sense to get to that goal.
It’s time to go!
Come, fly with me: I swear you‘ll love it!