Cultural Awareness: Jewish festivities

The Jewish cultures is very present in the field of the Private Aviation.
Therefore, is pretty important to get to know their traditions and heritage and be ready to host your customers on board the Business Jet in an impeccable way.
In between all the festivities of the Jewish culture, there are two which are particularly important: the Jewish New Year’s Eve and and the Day of the Atonement.
They are related from a temporary sequence and they both refer to the Hebrew calendar.
This calendar is both sun and moon based, and it is composed by 12 or 13 months of 29 or 30 days each.
Every day starts with the sunset and finish with the following sunset.
For example, the Shabbat Shalom, the holy Saturday, starts at sunset of Friday night and continues until sunset of Saturday night.
This is the concept of each and every festivity.
For the Jewish culture, during these days work should be forbidden, every shop should be closed, every service stopped. It’s a sacred time to spend with family and full of spirituality.
Rosh Hashanah -The Jewish New Year’s Eve.
The end of the Year falls in the month of Tishrì, around mid September, beginning of October of the Gregorian calendar.
Celebrations last for two full days and include sumptuous meals.
This includes dedicated symbols such as apples and honey for a “sweet year”.
But also other seasonal fruits such as grapes, pomegranate and other seasonal vegetables. Fish is a must.
The meaning of this festivity is : a new begin or renovation.
Yom Kippur
Then, 10 days later the New Year’s Eve, Jewish people celebrate Yom Kippur, in other words, the day of the Atonement.
This is considered the most important festivity and it last for 25 hours.
During this time, work is forbidden and the Jewish people observe fasting and prayers.
They also spend a lot of time in the Synagogues.
This is the time dedicated to the family and to the own soul and spirit.
It’s so meaningful for the Jewish culture, that even the international airport is closed during this day.
It’s common believe that it’s possible to influence God’s opinion about each person.
During those 10 days until Yom Kippur, God lists the name of the good people on the good book, the bad people on the bad book and the half-half people on their book.
Jewish people believe that if they pray hard, do charity and atonement, they can influence God’s opinion.
Eventually, they change how their label before the books are sealed, on the day of Yom Kippur.
How to prepare your cabin for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
Use simple and humble decoration.
Leather cloths or shoes as well as fancy jewellery should be avoided as symbol of humility.
In short, do not focus too much on appearance because the meaning of this festivity is a reconnection between the men with God.
In other words, no need to focus on the aesthetic.
Better to go with white flowers, white tablecloth and simple decoration.
Fake candle lights, Star of David symbol and Jewish candle holders on the credenza will be appreciated.
On Amazon they also sell “Shanah Tovah” (happy new year) paper banners, but keep in mind that less is more.