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Setting Up a Private Jet

When a jet is delivered from the manufacturer, it typically arrives completely bare—without any equipment whatsoever.

While the company handles the necessary paperwork to ensure it’s legal to fly, the crew focuses on outfitting the galley and cabin. This task can be quite demanding, but it’s also a lot of fun!

What does the setup involve?

It includes everything from the ground up. You’ll need plates, cutlery, glassware, cups, bowls, non-perishable food, and all kinds of kitchen equipment you can imagine.

In the cabin, you’ll require decorative cushions, blankets, tableware, and all essentials for the beds, such as duvet pillows, mattresses, and bed linens.

Setting up a private jet can take up to a month of preparation, with shopping (and more shopping) being the primary activity during that time.

One of the perks of overseeing a jet setup is the ability to customize it to your liking, organizing the drawers and cupboards in a way that suits your needs.

Certain brands of crockery, cutlery and glassware are more commonly used than others, thanks to the refine appearance and the availability worldwide.

Moreover, there are specialized companies that can provide valuable assistance with private jet setups. Don’t be daunted by the amount of work involved: while it’s intense, it’s also enjoyable!

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